The Esri user community's one-stop shop for US parcel data by the county or state
Last Refresh Date
Whitefish Bay 34A | 2 parcels |
Bearskin Lake | 60 parcels |
Sabaskong Bay 35D | 58 parcels |
North Spirit Lake | 5 parcels |
Muskrat Dam Lake | 26 parcels |
Weagamow Lake 87 | 10 parcels |
The Dalles 38C | 7 parcels |
English River 21 | 17 parcels |
Fort Severn 89 | 8 parcels |
Sandy Lake 88 | 183 parcels |
Sioux Narrows-Nestor Falls | 13 parcels |
Osnaburgh 63B | 18 parcels |
Fort Albany (Part) 67 | 44 parcels |
Wawakapewin | 4 parcels |
Poplar Hill | 4 parcels |
Slate Falls | 15 parcels |
Wabaseemoong | 23 parcels |
Lac Seul 28 | 54 parcels |
Pikangikum 14 | 13 parcels |
Wunnumin 1 | 47 parcels |
Wapekeka 2 | 23 parcels |
Kenora | 9,821 parcels |
Whitefish Bay 32A | 191 parcels |
Lake of the Woods 37 | 5 parcels |
Attawapiskat 91A | 67 parcels |
Webequie | 100 parcels |
Rat Portage 38A | 241 parcels |
Cat Lake 63C | 33 parcels |
Kitchenuhmaykoosib Aaki 84 | 169 parcels |
Kenora 38B | 78 parcels |
Sachigo Lake 1 | 7 parcels |
Whitefish Bay 33A | 3 parcels |
Deer Lake | 5 parcels |
Shoal Lake (Part) 40 | 1 parcels |
Northwest Angle 33B | 4 parcels |
Eagle Lake 27 | 8 parcels |
Kenora, Unorganized | 199 parcels |
Neskantaga | 4 parcels |
Fort Hope 64 | 189 parcels |
Shoal Lake 39A | 90 parcels |
Kasabonika Lake | 44 parcels |
Kingfisher Lake 1 | 43 parcels |
Wabauskang 21 | 3 parcels |
Wabigoon Lake 27 | 5 parcels |
Kee-Way-Win | 2 parcels |
Marten Falls 65 | 45 parcels |
Shoal Lake 34B2 | 3 parcels |
Machin | 2 parcels |
Parcel Address | 17% |
Object ID | 100% |
County/Census Division ID number | 100% |
Parcel ID | 99% |
Parcel ID without Formatting | 99% |
First Alternative Parcel ID | 18% |
Second Alternative Parcel ID | 18% |
Third Alternative Parcel ID | 0% |
Parcel Address Second Line | 0% |
Parcel Address Number | 17% |
Parcel Address Prefix | 0% |
Parcel Address Street Name | 17% |
Parcel Address Street Type | 0% |
Parcel Address Street Suffix | 0% |
Parcel Address Unit | 2% |
Parcel Address City | 0% |
Parcel Address Postal Code | 16% |
Original Parcel Address | 0% |
Indigenous-Administered Land Flag | 18% |
Latitude | 100% |
Longitude | 100% |
Last County Refresh Date | 100% |
Parcel Path | 100% |
Stable ID Status | 0% |
Regrid UUID | 100% |
Parcel Stack UUID | 0% |
Last Modified | 100% |
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