5 mi
Address Not Available

Working Boundary

No parcel data available for this place. We'll be sure to update if/when data becomes available here.

Shop data

Click on a state or use the search bar at the top to get started.

Want to browse around? Try visiting Belle Isle in Detroit, or the French Quarter in New Orleans.

Click on a province or use the search bar at the top to get started.

Want to read more about our Canada data? Check out our Canada Data FAQ support article.


Projects keep your work organized by bundling together your data layers, styles and map view. You may browse and add data sources, edit parcel styles, and navigate Regrid freely. To save what's on your map or share it with others, use a Project!

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Shared Project

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Shared Project

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Working Boundary

To learn more about sharing projects, visit our support documentation.

Sign in or create an account to work with your own projects and data.

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Sharing & Access

Sign up for a Regrid Pro account to set sharing permissions for each Project. You can also embed a Project into another website.

Save sharing settings

Projects keep your work organized by bundling together your data layers, styles and map view. Once you've created a project, browse here for sharing tools.


Collecting data with a survey is an easy process!

  1. Use our Editor to create your questions.
  2. On a smart device (tablet/phone), download the Regrid app. Sign in using the same email and password you use to sign into Regrid online.
  3. Select your survey, tap on a parcel and start gathering your data!

Survey Editor

Survey Feed

This is your survey feed. When posts are added to the map, they will appear here in a timeline.

No feed entries match your current filter in this place.

Survey Charts

Last: day · week · month · year · all time
Date range: to Apply


Sign up for a Regrid Pro account to follow properties of interest.

Following properties and places allows you to receive notifications and digests when things change.

Places and properties you follow will appear here. You'll be notified when information about them changes. 


Sign up for a Regrid Pro account to highlight matching parcels on the map, tally them, and see them in the List view.

Filter on our built-in fields or your own spreadsheet/survey data to gain insight.


Sign up for a Regrid Pro account to color code properties with custom Style rules.

Use our built-in fields or your own spreadsheet/survey data to create and visualize data as a beautiful map. Learn more in our Styles tutorial video.

Base Parcel Styles

Parcel Lines
Hovered Parcel
Selected Parcel
Reset to Default Colors

Style Rules


How does this work?

When we decide what color to make a parcel, we run through this list of rules in order until finding a parcel with matching data fields. That will be the parcel's color on the map, even if it matches rules lower on the list. If the default color is enabled, any parcels not matching a rule will have that color.


Draw & Measure

Sign up for a Regrid Pro account to work with distance, area, and coordinates.

Parcel details and data will appear here when you search for a property or select one on the map.

Property Details


Sign up for a Regrid Pro account to import and manage datasets.


Have a spreadsheet you want to see on a map? With Regrid Pro, easily import a spreadsheet of your data and attach it to our parcels. We currently support matching by address, lat/long, or parcel ID/APN.

Learn more in our Import tutorial video.


Sign up for a Regrid Pro account to export parcels as a shapefile, spreadsheet, or KML file.

Export an entire geography, such as a city or neighborhood, or just the parcels you've selected with our Filter tool, like a certain acreage or land use.

Export property data by selecting your options below. If you would like to buy the county or state, please visit our Data Store.

Spreadsheet (.csv)Shapefile (.shp)KML (.kml)GeoJSON (.geojson)GeoPKG (.geopkg)SQL (.sql)

Spreadsheet format (.csv):$0.10 /parcel record.

Spatial formats (.shp, .kml):$0.15 /parcel record.


Working Boundary
Properties Currently Selected
Want to learn more about exporting with Regrid? Check out our Support Documentation.
