The Esri user community's one-stop shop for US parcel data by the county or state
Last Refresh Date
Kootenay Boundary B / Lower Columbia-Old-Glory | 5 parcels |
Slocan | 722 parcels |
Central Kootenay F | 2,187 parcels |
Nelson | 6,262 parcels |
Central Kootenay J | 3,227 parcels |
Kelowna | 1 parcels |
Nakusp | 1,260 parcels |
Columbia-Shuswap B | 18 parcels |
Central Kootenay E | 3,590 parcels |
New Denver | 673 parcels |
Salmo | 833 parcels |
Trail | 2 parcels |
Central Kootenay I | 1,504 parcels |
Central Kootenay K | 5,732 parcels |
Central Okanagan | 1 parcels |
Creston | 2,943 parcels |
Central Kootenay G | 2,834 parcels |
Central Kootenay A | 2,825 parcels |
Silverton | 337 parcels |
Castlegar | 3,813 parcels |
Central Kootenay H | 6,157 parcels |
Kootenay Boundary A | 9 parcels |
East Kootenay E | 5 parcels |
Central Kootenay C | 1,140 parcels |
Kaslo | 2,113 parcels |
Creston 1 | 2 parcels |
Central Kootenay D | 4,422 parcels |
Central Kootenay B | 2,936 parcels |
Parcel Address | 26% |
Object ID | 100% |
County/Census Division ID number | 100% |
Parcel ID | 100% |
Parcel ID without Formatting | 100% |
First Alternative Parcel ID | 100% |
Second Alternative Parcel ID | 14% |
Third Alternative Parcel ID | 92% |
Parcel Address Second Line | 0% |
Parcel Address Number | 26% |
Parcel Address Prefix | 0% |
Parcel Address Street Name | 26% |
Parcel Address Street Type | 0% |
Parcel Address Street Suffix | 0% |
Parcel Address Unit | 1% |
Parcel Address City | 74% |
Parcel Address Postal Code | 21% |
Original Parcel Address | 100% |
Indigenous-Administered Land Flag | 0% |
Latitude | 100% |
Longitude | 100% |
Last County Refresh Date | 100% |
Parcel Path | 100% |
Stable ID Status | 0% |
Regrid UUID | 100% |
Parcel Stack UUID | 0% |
Last Modified | 100% |
We'd love to help. See our bulk parcel page for rates and details.
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