The Regrid Data Store

Corozal Municipio, Puerto Rico



Last Refresh Date


Matched Buildings


Building Source Imagery Date

2016, 2018, 2022

Matched Secondary Addresses


Address Source Date


Sample Data

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103 Data Attributes:

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Data Field Coverage

Owner Name 71%
Mailing Address 69%
Parcel Address 73%
Object ID 100%
FIPS Code 100%
Parcel ID 81%
Parcel ID without Formatting 81%
State Provided Parcel ID Number 0%
Parcel Account Number 0%
Parcel Tax Identification Number 0%
First Alternative Parcel ID 95%
Second Alternative Parcel ID 97%
Third Alternative Parcel ID 0%
Parcel Use Code 0%
Parcel Use Description 0%
Zoning Code 0%
Zoning Description 0%
Structure on Parcel 0%
Number of Structures on Parcel 0%
Structure Year Built 0%
Number of Stories 0%
Number of Living Units 0%
Number of Rooms 0%
Structure Style 0%
Parcel Value Type 100%
Improvement Value 81%
Land Value 81%
Total Parcel Value 81%
Agricultural Value 0%
Last Sale Price 47%
Last Sale Date 47%
Annual Tax Bill 0%
Tax Year 0%
Owner Type 0%
Owner First Name 0%
Owner Last Name 0%
Second Owner Name 0%
Third Owner Name 0%
Fourth Owner Name 0%
Previous Owner Name 0%
Mailing Address Second Line 0%
Mailing Address Care Of 0%
Mailing Address Street Number 0%
Mailing Address Street Prefix 0%
Mailing Address Street Name 0%
Mailing Address Street Type 0%
Mailing Address Street Suffix 0%
Mailing Address Unit Number 0%
Mailing Address City 0%
Mailing Address State 71%
Mailing Address ZIP Code 69%
Mailing Address Country 0%
Mailing Address Urbanizacion (Puerto Rico) 11%
Parcel Address Second Line 0%
Parcel Address Number 6%
Parcel Address Prefix 29%
Parcel Address Street Name 35%
Parcel Address Street Type 0%
Parcel Address Street Suffix 7%
Parcel Address Unit 1%
Parcel Address City 48%
Original Parcel Address 73%
US Census County Subdivision 100%
Parcel Address County 100%
Parcel Address State 100%
Parcel Address Zip Code 100%
5 Digit Parcel Zip Code 100%
Parcel Urbanizacion 66%
Location Name 0%
Primary Address Source 100%
Legal Description 0%
Plat 0%
Book 41%
Page 41%
Block 0%
Lot 0%
Neighborhood 0%
Subdivision 0%
Latitude 100%
Longitude 100%
Federal Qualified Opportunity Zone 100%
Qualified Opportunity Zone Tract Number 100%
Census 2020 Tract 100%
Census 2020 Block 100%
Census 2020 Blockgroup 100%
Census Zip Code Tabulation Area 0%
Last County Refresh Date 100%
Source URL 0%
Recorded Area (text) 0%
Total Square Footage of Structures 0%
County-Provided Acres 0%
County-Provided Parcel Square Feet 0%
Regrid Calculated Parcel Acres 100%
Regrid Calculated Parcel Square Feet 100%
PLSS Township 0%
PLSS Section 0%
PLSS Range 0%
Date of Last Revision 0%
Parcel Path 100%
Stable ID Status 99%
Regrid UUID 100%
Parcel Stack UUID 4%
Last Modified 100%

Premium field coverage

Read More about our USPS fields and building data
Zoning Type 0%
Zoning Subtype 0%
Zoning Code Link 0%
Zoning Area ID 0%
Homestead Exemption 0%
Regrid Calculated Total Address Count 6%
FEMA Flood Zone 100%
FEMA Flood Zone Subtype 100%
FEMA Flood Zone Raw Data 100%
FEMA Flood Zone Data Date 100%
Census Provided Elementary School District 0%
Census Provided Secondary School District 0%
Census Provided Unified School District 0%
Regrid Calculated Building Footprint Square Feet 74%
Regrid Calculated Building Count 74%
Cropland Data Layer Raw Values 0%
Cropland Data Layer Majority Category 0%
Cropland Data Layer Majority Percent 0%
Cropland Data Layer Date 0%
Regrid Right-of-Way Parcel Flag 2%
Placekey 79%
USPS Delivery Point Validation 74%
Delivery Point Validation Codes 2%
Delivery Point Validation Notes 74%
Delivery Point Match Type 2%
CASS Error Codes 74%
Residential Delivery Indicator 2%
USPS Vacancy Indicator 2%
USPS Vacancy Indicator Date 74%
PAD-US Public Access Designation 0%
Land Use Code: Activity 0%
Land Use Code Description: Activity 0%
Land Use Code: Function 0%
Land Use Code Description: Function 0%
Land Use Code: Structure 0%
Land Use Code Description: Structure 0%
Land Use Code: Site 0%
Land Use Code Description: Site 0%
Land Use Code: Ownership 0%
Land Use Code Description: Ownership 0%

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